This specification is issued under the jurisdiction of ASTM International Committee F06 on Resilient Floor Coverings.
For the complete text of this standard and other ASTM standards visit the ASTM website at or contact ASTM Customer Service at
Scope: This specification covers resilient treads made of rubber and vinyl for interior use.
Type TS – Rubber, vulcanized thermoset
Type TP – Rubber, thermoplastic
Type TV – Vinyl, thermoplastic
Class 1 – Smooth (flat)
Class 2 – Pattern: embossed, grooved or ribbed
Group 1 – Abrasive strips embedded
Group 2 – Contrasting color for visually impaired
Nosing Styles Include: round, square, and with riser
Performance Requirements: Hardness – not less than 85 Shore A
Resistance to Chemicals: No more than a slight change in surface dulling, surface attach or staining against: 5% acetic acid, 70% isopropyl alcohol, 5% sodium hydroxide, 5% hydrochloric acid, 5% sulfuric acid, 5% ammonia, 5.25% bleach, 5% active phenol disinfectant, white mineral oil, olive oil, unleaded gas, kerosene
Resistance to Heat: 7 days at 158oF, maximum color change not greater than 8 delta E
Dimensions and Permissible Variations: Thickness – as specified + 0.031 inches
Length: Not less than nominal
Depth: – as specified + 0.125 inches