Stain and Reagent Resistance
Vinyls are generally resistant to alkalis, acids, alcohols, oils, greases and aliphatic hydrocarbons. They can be softened by ketones, esters and chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons. For stain resistance of specific products, see the attached resistance to staining and reagents chart.
If any particular chemicals or substances are going to be present in the environment, adequate testing should be performed on the floor covering material in advance to ensure suitability for such applications. On floors where polish is recommended, tests should be made on polished samples. High quality commercial floor polish will provide a good barrier to most stains and reagents.
Samples were tested as manufactured (no additional surface treatments). All samples were exposed to reagents for four hours (uncovered), then cleaned with a neutral commercial cleaner and soft cotton cloth. Results are shown by the following code:
0 No Stain
1 Slight
2 Moderate
3 Severe
Bl Bleaching
D Dulling
S Softening
R Reagent left a residue
More aggressive cleaning solutions and/or procedures may be used to help eliminate stains, but should first be tested in a concealed area to be sure they do not damage the floor. Contact AHF Products at 866-243-2726 with any questions regarding stain removal.
Color/pattern choice can have a significant affect on the apparent staining of a floor. When possible, take into consideration the type of potential staining that might occur and select colors and patterns accordingly.