Armstrong Flooring Underlayments Over Cutback Adhesive

Armstrong Flooring S-466 Patch StrongS-463 Level Strong, and S-194 Patch Underlayment & Embossing Leveler are recommended over existing asphalt cutback adhesive residue (over concrete) when mixed with water.

Cutback adhesives are only recommended over concrete. However, there are times when they are misused over wood. Excessive expansion or contraction of the wood may cause the cutback adhesive to break loose. Also the porous nature of wood may have prevented the cutback adhesive from ever adhering properly. Our underlayment products will adhere to the cutback over wood, however if the cutback breaks loose from the wood, the underlayment product and flooring over the cutback will break loose with the cutback.


  1. Remove all ridges and high spots so all that remains is a thin, smooth film
  2. Mix powder to water in a clean container to a lump-free consistency (follow proper ratio indicated for each product)
  3. Use a 1/8″ x 1/8″ x 1/8″ square notch trowel, and trowel underlayment within 20 minutes.
  4. Let underlayment dry completely.
  5. Mix more underlayment as stated above.
  6. Use a smooth-edge trowel to fill in the recessed areas within 20 minutes. Maximum thickness should not exceed 1/8″.
  7. Before covering with flooring, let underlayment dry completely, approximately 1 to 1-1/2 hours depending on thickness and atmospheric conditions.
  8. See requirements for priming subfloor prior to S-463 Level Strong.
Updated on September 12, 2024