Residential Luxury Flooring Installation Instructions
For Use With
Adhesive Summary
Adhesive | Trowel | Set-in-Wet | Dry-to-Touch | Traffic Post-Installation |
S-295 | 1/32” deep; 1/16” wide; 1/32” apart U-notch | N/A | Dry to Touch | Foot Traffic: 24 Hours Heavy Rolling Loads: 72 Hours |
S-1000* | 1/32” deep; 1/16” wide; 1/32” apart U-notch | Set in Wet Approximately 10-20 minutes | N/A | Foot Traffic: Immediately Heavy Rolling Loads: 8 Hours |
S-315 (Disc 3/23) | Short nap paint roller | N/A | Dry to Touch >15 minutes (tacky to touch with no transfer to fingers) | Foot Traffic: Immediately Heavy Rolling Loads: Immediately |
S-319 | Short nap paint roller | N/A | Dry to Touch | Foot Traffic: Immediately Heavy Rolling Loads: Immediately |
Flip Spray Adhesive | N/A | N/A | Dry to Touch Approximately 30 minutes (tacky to touch with no transfer to fingers). | Foot Traffic: Immediately Heavy Rolling Loads: 24 Hours |
Do not wash or scrub the new flooring for at least 5 days after the installation. This will allow the tile to become “seated” in the adhesive and prevent excess moisture and cleaning agents from interfering with the adhesive bond.
WARNING: EXISTING IN-PLACE RESILIENT FLOOR COVERING AND ASPHALTIC ADHESIVES. DO NOT SAND, DRY SWEEP, DRY SCRAPE, DRILL, SAW, BEADBLAST, OR MECHANICALLY CHIP OR PULVERIZE EXISTING RESILIENT FLOORING, BACKING, LINING FELT, ASPHALTIC “CUTBACK” ADHESIVE, OR OTHER ADHESIVE. These existing in-place products may contain asbestos fibers and/or crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of such dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard. Smoking by individuals exposed to asbestos fibers greatly increases the risk of serious bodily harm. Unless positively certain that the existing in-place product is a non-asbestos-containing material, you must presume it contains asbestos. Regulations may require that the material be tested to determine asbestos content and may govern removal and disposal of material. See current edition of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) publication Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings for instructions on removing all resilient floor covering structures or contact your retailer or AHF Products at 866 243 2726. AHF floor coverings and adhesives do NOT contain asbestos. |
Recommended Substrates
Will bond to all substrates listed below, but refer to the flooring installation system for specific installation recommendations:
- Concrete on (all grade levels) according to ASTM F710 and Preparation of Concrete Subfloors
- Suspended Wood Subfloors and Panel Underlayments
- Existing well-bonded resilient flooring; not perimeter-bonded or cushion-backed*
- Ceramic tile, terrazzo, marble and polymeric-poured floors
- Properly mixed and applied powder underlayments and embossing levelers
- Primed, poured-in-placed gypsum subfloors
- Radiant-heated subfloors where the surface temperature does not exceed 85oF (29o C)
- S-1840 Quiet Comfort Luxury Flooring Underlayment*
*NOTE: Installations over existing resilient flooring and acoustic underlayments may be more susceptible to indentations.
DO NOT USE OVER: Concrete with excessive moisture and/or alkali; existing cushion-backed resilient flooring; substrates treated with fire-retardant chemicals, fungicides, preservatives, release agents, adhesive removers, sealers, curing compounds or other incompatible treatments
Do not install over:
- Particleboard, waferboard, OSB or single-layer STURD-I-FLOOR panels
- Existing resilient tile floors that are below grade
- Existing cushioned vinyl flooring
Job Site Conditions
- Proper conditioning of jobsite and product is extremely important for the appearance and performance of LVT planks.
- Resilient flooring should only be installed in temperature-controlled environments. It is necessary to maintain a constant temperature before, during and after the installation. Therefore, the permanent or temporary HVAC system must be in operation before the installation of resilient flooring. Portable heaters are not recommended as they may not heat the room and subfloor sufficiently. Kerosene heaters should never be used.
- Substrates must be sound, dry, clean, smooth, and free from excessive moisture or alkali.
- The surface shall be free of dust, solvents, paint, varnish, wax, oils, grease, sealers, curing compounds, residual adhesive, adhesive removers and other foreign materials that might affect the adhesion of resilient flooring to the substrate or cause a discoloration of the flooring from below. Spray paints, permanent markers and other indelible ink markers must not be used to write on the back of the flooring material or used to mark the substrate as they could bleed through, telegraphing up to the surface and permanently staining the flooring material. If these contaminants are present on the substrate they must be mechanically removed prior to the installation of the flooring material.
- In renovation or remodel work, remove any existing adhesive residue* so that no ridges or puddles are evident and what remains is a thin, smooth film.
- The area to receive resilient flooring and the flooring materials and adhesives should be maintained at a minimum of 65° F (18° C) and for 48 hours before installation, during installation and 48 hours after completion.
- During the service life of the installation, the temperature should never fall below 55° F (13° C) or rise above 85° F (29° C). The performance of the flooring and the adhesives can be adversely affected below this minimum temperature.
- For concrete substrates, conduct moisture testing (moisture vapor emission rate (MVER) and/or percent relative humidity (in-situ probe). Bond tests must be conducted for compatibility with the substrate. Please refer to Subfloors and Underlayments section.e.
- Use S-1000 Adhesive in areas where the product will be subjected to direct sunlight, topical moisture, concentrated static and dynamic loads or temperature fluctuations.
* Some previously manufactured asphaltic “cutback” adhesives contained asbestos (see warning statement on page xii). For removal instructions, refer to the Resilient Floor Covering Institute’s publication Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings.
NOTE: Products with directional arrows on the back should be installed with the arrows all pointing in the same direction unless you are installing custom layouts.
Whenever possible, plan the layout so that the joints in the planks do not fall on top of joints or seams in the existing substrate. The end joints of the planks should be staggered a minimum of 6″ apart. Do not install over expansion joints.
Determine which direction the planks will run. Find the center of each of the end walls (the walls perpendicular to the long dimension of the planks) and place a pencil mark on the floor. Connect these points by striking a chalk line down the center of the room. Do a dry layout of planks from the center line to the wall running parallel to the long direction of the planks to determine the width of the last row of planks.

Avoid having border pieces less than 2″ (5.1cm) wide for the 4″ (10.2cm) wide planks and less than 3″ (7.6cm) wide for the 6″ (15.2cm) wide planks. If you find the border planks will be less than 1/2 the width of the plank, the center starting line should be shifted a distance equal to 1/2 the plank width. This will “balance” the room and provide for a larger cut piece at the wall.
PROCEDURE – S-315 Roll Strong Adhesive
- A clean substrate is extremely important with the use of S-315 Roll Strong Adhesive. Thoroughly sweep and vacuum the substrate first. Damp mop to remove any remaining dust or debris. Extra attention to substrate preparation is essential for a successful installation. Failure to properly clean the substrate may result in telegraphing of debris.
- A roll-on application method is recommended with a medium nap (3/8″nap) roller to achieve a smooth even full-spread coating. Spread rate and drying time of the adhesive will depend on the porosity and texture of the substrates and the ambient temperature and relative humidity. KEEP PAINT ROLLER WET!! Do not apply pressure to the roller, allow it to freely roll over the substrate. ADHESIVE COVERAGE MUST NOT EXCEED 400 ft2/gal!! Overly absorbent or rough substrates will require two coats. Once the coating has dried, it must be kept clean and apart from any contact with other surfaces until ready to begin the bonding process. Do not spread more adhesive than can be covered in 4 hours.
- Bond testing prior to the installation will help identify the appropriate application rate, open and working time, and any potential bonding problems to the substrate or flooring. To determine the accurate coverage rate, measure and chalk line the substrate into grids (using the appropriate square feet of area for the adhesive application) and apply adhesive onto each measured grid area.
- Allow the adhesive to dry completely with no transfer to fingers when lightly touched. Open time will vary depending on the adhesive coverage, substrate porosity and the ambient conditions.
- Once the S-315 Roll Strong adhesive has dried, install LVT as per recommended. LVT can be repositioned as necessary prior to applying pressure. After completion of the installation, roll the entire floor in both directions with 100 lb. roller to achieve a full contact bond. Note: After the flooring has been rolled or pressed into place, repositioning is not possible. Normal traffic and rolling loads may be allowed as soon as the installation, finishing and clean-up are complete.
PROCEDURE – S-1000 Adhesive
- Apply adhesive to 1/2 of the area at a time so you can start the installation along the center starting line.
- Begin laying planks along the center starting line and install row by row including the cut pieces at the perimeter until 1/2 of the installation is complete. Stagger the end joints by at least 6″ (15.24 cm). Apply adhesive to the remaining portion of the room, allow the appropriate open time and complete the installation of planks in similar fashion.
- After the planks are installed, immediately roll the entire floor with a 100-lb. roller. Use a hand roller in confined areas where the large floor roller will not reach, such as under toe kicks.
- The planks may be walked on immediately; however, the floor should not be exposed to heavy rolling load traffic for 8 hours after the installation. Use pieces of hardboard or underlayment panels to protect the floor when moving heavy furniture and appliances back into the room.
- Wet adhesive should be cleaned up immediately with soap and water on a clean cloth. Dried adhesive may require the use of a solvent adhesive cleaner.
PROCEDURE – Flip Spray Adhesive
- A clean substrate is extremely important with the use of Flip Spray Adhesive! Thoroughly sweep and vacuum the substrate first. Damp mop to remove any remaining dust or debris. Extra attention to substrate preparation is essential for a successful installation. Failure to properly clean the substrate may result in telegraphing of debris.
- Shake the can well before each use. Point can downwards, press the side of the nozzle tip as you slowly walk back and forth overlapping the spray pattern for an even spray coverage. Do not use a sweeping motion as this may cause uneven coverage. Clean up any larger drops that may occur. Refer to the provided spray patterns for proper application. The spray patterns for tile and sheet are different. Over application, especially for sheet vinyl may cause adhesive telegraphing.
- Bond testing prior to the installation will help identify the appropriate application rate, open and working time, and any potential bonding problems to the substrate or flooring. To determine the accurate coverage rate, measure and chalk line the substrate into grids (using the appropriate square feet of area for the adhesive application) and spray the entire can of adhesive onto each measured grid area.
- Allow the adhesive to dry completely with no transfer to fingers when lightly touched. Open time will vary depending on the adhesive coverage, substrate porosity and the ambient conditions.
- Working time for the adhesive should not exceed 4 hours.
- Install the flooring as per the Armstrong recommendations for that particular material.
- Roll the floor immediately after the installation is complete with a 100 lbs. roller. Normal traffic may be allowed as soon as the installation, finishing and clean-up are complete. Wait 24-hours for heavy traffic or rolling loads.
- Wet adhesive overspray or drips should be cleaned up immediately with soap and water on a clean cloth. Dried adhesive may require the use of a solvent adhesive cleaner. Between uses, clean the spray tip immediately with a clean wet cloth to prevent accumulation of dried adhesive.
- Empty aluminum spray cans should be relieved of excess pressure and recycled or disposed of in accordance with local requirements. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 115° F. Prolonged exposure to heat or direct sun may cause container to burst.
Using S-1840 Underlayment With S-295 & S-1000 Adhesives
- Make sure the subfloor is clean, flat, dry, and sound. It is important that the subfloor is free of all debris. Check the subfloor for unevenness or protruding objects such as nails or screws.
- When installing over concrete, the concrete must be dry with moisture vapor emission rate not exceeding 7 lbs. per 1000 square feet per 24 hours as measured by the Calcium Chloride Test and 93% RH using In-situ Probe.
- Begin in a corner and install the underlayment parallel to the wall in the opposite direction you plan to install the flooring planks. Leave at least 2˝ of excess underlayment up the wall and trim after completing the floor installation.
- Roll out the next roll of underlayment in the same manner, making sure that the foam seams are butted together. The use of clear 2˝ wide packing tape can be used to attach the seams.
- When installing on concrete or below grade subfloors, be sure to tape the seams together with 2˝ tape that meets the moisture vapor transmission rate for this type of installation.
- Adhere the underlayment to the subfloor and LVT to the underlayment. Follow the Procedures above using S-295 and/or S-1000. Do not use S-315 or S-319 Roll Strong with S-1840.