Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) Replacement Procedure

See attachment at bottom for illustrated guide.

After installation, if a tile becomes damaged to the extent that it needs to be replaced, use the following procedure.

  1. Score the damaged tile in an “X” pattern, being careful not to score the surrounding tiles.
  2. Use a heat gun to apply heat in the center of the tile. Once the area is softened, use the scraper in the middle of the cut and work toward the edges. Keep the heat gun in continual motion.
  3. Continue using heat gun and scraper and work toward the edge as tile softens.
  4. Clean up area to receive new tile.
    • Remove adhesive ridges using a scraper.
    • Adhesives must be left so that no ridges or puddles are evident and what remains is a thin, smooth film. If needed, mix cementitious patch mixture as directed and smooth surface by filling in divots or low spots.
  5. Spread the VCT adhesive with a fine-notched trowel or a paint brush.
  6. Give the adhesive ample time to set up before the tile is installed. Humidity and temperature will affect the length of time needed.
    • To test for proper set, lightly press your finger onto the adhesive.
    • If adhesive feels dry to the touch, it is ready for tile installation.
    • If the adhesive sticks to your finger, additional drying time is needed.
  7. Position tile into adhesive, adjusting as needed.
  8. Clean up adhesive residue and hand roll the tile to ensure proper contact between the adhesive and tile.
  9. Follow application procedures for Armstrong Flooring S-480 Commercial Floor Polish or equivalent polish.
  10. Protect the repair area from traffic for the time recommended on the adhesive and polish labels.

Updated on November 16, 2023

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